Logan Polk


Each step leads to a better you.


Complete the form

Fill out my contact form for real results. Let's start working together!


Wait to be contacted

Expect a text from me in 24 hours.


You are all set

Let's chat about your fitness goals and how I can assist you.

What do

you get?

Workout plans made for you

Customized to fit your busy schedule and help you crush your fitness goals.

Your own meal plan

Nutritious meals to fuel your body and keep you feeling great.

We track your progress together

Weekly check-ins with me, tracking your results anytime, anywhere.

Continuous communication

We’re a team, excited to see the amazing progress you’ll make.

Workout plans made for you

Customized to fit your busy schedule and help you crush your fitness goals.

Your own meal plan

Nutritious meals to fuel your body and keep you feeling great.

We track your progress together

Weekly check-ins with me, tracking your results anytime, anywhere.

Continuous communication

We’re a team, excited to see the amazing progress you’ll make.

A mockup of the coaching app showcasing the features.

Why choose

online coaching?

Coach is performing a workout on an exercise mat.

As a girl who is not naturally slim and in shape, I understand the struggles of not feeling comfortable in your own skin and blaming it on genetics. I used to believe that my body was meant to be a larger size and felt hopeless about changing it. But through perseverance and dedication, I have achieved the body of my dreams. I want to reassure you that you can do the same! As an online fitness coach, I am here to guide and support you on your journey towards reaching your fitness goals.

The coach is posing for a picture, smiling confidently.

Anyone who decides to join me on this journey as an online coach is not just choosing self-love, but also opting to elevate their life. You'll become so enamored with this process that you won't ever want to go back to your old habits. Let's work together to transform your mindset, embrace a healthier lifestyle, and achieve the body you've always wanted. Remember, you have the power to take control of your health and wellness, and I'm here to help you every step of the way.

Start Now